Having spent the last couple of
weeks with family visiting for the holidays and entertaining my kids on their
winter break, I have felt markedly less angry at the outrages of our
plutocracy. This is a good thing, to be reminded how easy it is to go through life
oblivious of how the very few are running us into the ground. I was reminded of
what Jamie Kilstein from Citizen Radio
said, about living in a progressive bubble when you are mainly tuned in to
other progressives and their independent media.
I’m still amazed and often at a
loss for words when I have to explain what OWS is all about. What they want.
Why they are so upset. Why they don’t just get a job. When you think about it,
with the reality tv, unbridled consumerism, the cheap, processed crap we keep
on stuffing our faces with on top of the usual day to day struggles, it’s no
surprise that relatively few that manage to maintain their indignation.
And maintain our indignation we must!
They told us we were a spoiled bunch of bored rich kids in New York, while they
continued to repossess people’s homes without even holding the deed to the
properties. They told us we were a bunch of sushi eating liberals in Tel Aviv
while privatizing public lands. They called us lazy, welfare addicts in Athens
while pushing austerity on the poor and debt relief on the rich. They call us
terrorists in Damascus, when they have already killed more than 5,000 of us.
This will be our challenge in the
coming year, to remind everyone why it is unacceptable to cause economic
collapse and not be held accountable; why it is unacceptable to make housing,
education and a decent wage inaccessible to many while the few take an ever
growing share of the GDP; that to continue to expect the current system to
supply different results is the definition of insanity.
And if that didn't piss you off, watch some of this, it worked for me...
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