A reoccurring theme at the Occupy Wall Street protests has been
that it is the entire representative system that has been bought up by
corporate America. Both parties have been proponents of deregulation, tax
loop-holing, preferring the interests of the rich over the poor and consistently
opposing environmental regulations that could impact big business. These
policies are clearly the result of political influence wielded within both
parties by lobbyists representing the 1%. It is not that the OWS movement is
a-political but rather that they have come to the conclusion that there is no
point in supporting anyone in either party as both fail miserably in
representing the interests of the 99%, doing so consciously and willingly.
Similarly, in Israel, none of the major parties represent
interests wildly different from one another. Likud, Kadima, Avodah, Shas and
Israel Beyteinu have all bought into the same neo-liberal fallacies. Besides
each party pursuing their shallow sectarian agenda, they all willingly participate
in the privatization-fest. No one has made any real effort to resist the big
business lobbies, the real estate developers, the employment contractors.
Opposition to all these policies has been popular for long but have not been pursued.
The same empty rhetoric is rehashed every election cycle only to be abandoned
even before the last ballot is counted. Each party hides behind their
(slightly) different positions vis-à-vis the Palestinians whiles ignoring their
responsibility to give its citizens a choice about how the country is run.
It is with similar cynicism that we are cajoled into
continuing the same voting patterns that have led us no-where by being told to
vote for the lesser evil. “I know that (insert politician) isn’t great but if
you don’t vote for her, (insert different politician) will get to power and
that would make things even worse.” As Chris Hedges recently pointed
out, “Our political class, and its courtiers on the airwaves, insists that if
we refuse to comply, if we step outside of the Democratic Party, if we rebel,
we will make things worse. This game of accepting the lesser evil enables the
steady erosion of justice and corporate plundering.” The result is that nothing
changes for the better. The same failed politicians stay in power and much more
significantly, voters lose their belief in democracy as a means of fairly
representing their concerns. It is this voter cynicism and apathy that is like
a deadly cancer to Democracy. The less people feel invested in the democratic
process, the less they participate, the less they vote , leaving the special
interest groups to promote their selfish limited agendas while more and more
people forget that they are part of a social group with shared responsibilities
and a duty to look out for one another. It is this cynicism that allows us to
forget that our society must reflect our values and when it does not , that
that is a failure on our part. Claiming a lack of interest or participation
does not absolve us of that responsibility.
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