Friday, October 26, 2012

Against All Odds

I've long thought that there is a link between food, consumerism, capitalism and social justice. The way we eat and the way we are fed is such a basic part of our day to day existence. There is no better way to understand how thoroughly social injustice is perpetrated by our very economic system than to witness the way healthy eating has become a luxury to be enjoyed by the wealthy while the rest of society is pushed towards eating more and more processed food, providing cheap calories while reaping havoc on our health. In the name of profit and continued growth we are being encouraged to eat more of what brings big food companies the most money. The impact of this on those eating all of this crap is something that does not concern these same companies.

Whenever they are challenged to take responsibility for their actions, the Mcdonalds, Nestles and Unilevers of the world put up a spirited and indignant fight. Relying on their wealth and political clout they often prove that might makes right. But this does not have to be the narrative. This film showcases two activists that stood up to big business and won against all odds