There is little
that triggers my derision and instant dismissal quicker than a climate change
denier. How much evidence do you need? How long can you possibly spend burying your
head in the sand in the face of the obvious human effect on our environment? We
consume and pollute and waste and impact and pretend that it has no effect on
us. And if you are not stupid and you are still denying our impact on the
environment then you are, at the very least, selfish.
Writing these
lines, I can feel the self righteous rage rise in me. I not only recognize that
we need to act now to attempt to stop what looks like almost inevitable and disastrous
environmental and social upheaval, but I am also a member of the Israeli Green
Movement, I take an active part in trying to promote a sustainable future for
humanity and the rest of the planet. And these idiots deny anything is wrong or
pretend there is nothing wrong just to make a quick buck.
And I am no
better then they.
I think that
Naomi Klein is right when she describes the motivation behind a lot of
institutional climate change denial as having its roots in an understanding of
what it will take to stop climate change. When you begin to realize the drastic
changes needed to the way we live, and procreate, travel, consume and eat in
order to stop climate change, is it any wonder that people have little appetite
for a green agenda? Herein lies part of the explanation, but when you slap your
forehead at the stupidity of this suicidal, chauvinistic destruction of
everyone’s future, realize that they act this way for the same reason that you
are not a vegan.
Now, for all you
vegans out there feeling very good about yourselves, consider this. Too many of
you are busy being preachy, self satisfied,
unbearable kill-joys and too few of you are being quiet, inspirational examples
that we can aim to emulate.
I’ve spent a lot
of time over the last year thinking about the connection between pursuing a
sustainable future and what I eat. I’m on the verge of becoming a vegetarian,
rather than just drastically reducing my meat intake but the idea of being a
vegan still feels hopelessly radical to me. The idea of having to give up dairy
and eggs is simply beyond me. I know that what that what will allow us to feed
the planet is for all of us to give up animal based food. I know that what will
make a real impact on climate change is for all of us to stop eating animal
based food. I know that in the end necessity will force us to stop eating
animal based food but for now, at the very least, I want my cheese and I want
my eggs.
So, the next
time you feel perplexed by those numbskulls who won’t give up their SUVs,
realize that they are just like you because you can’t give up your ice-cream.
Empathy will always get you farther in changing someone’s mind than being right